Monday, March 22, 2010

Revolutionary Afkrikan Women - RAW!

Phenomenal Woman You Should Know!

Wangari Maathai

Wangari Maathai is the founder of the Green Belt Movement, an environmentalist, a civil society and women's rights activist, and a parliamentarian. You can read about her life and her organization through her two books, Unbowed: A Memoir and The Green Belt Movement. You can also scan condensed versions of her life and achievements, including being awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.

Since winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai has become a spokesperson for a number of important initiatives.

Both before and since she won the Nobel Peace Prize, Wangari Maathai has spoken about, and been interviewed on, a range of subjects.

About Wangari Maathai


Wangari Maathai is the author of two books, Unbowed: A Memoir and The Green Belt Movement.

Wangari Maathai On ...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Mother Breeds My Life

Like the sands of time your strength is the foundation of my world
Your spirit is warm and does the flirtatious dance of rhythm like the waves of the Atlantic Ocean
Calling me, come ...soothing me... oou
My Mother
Like the nucleus of an atom you are the fire that makes this family glow
Your voice is the authority of care and concern keeping everyone afloat
Your presence in my heart give me the strength to swim in the roughest waters

You never get the credit you are due My Dearest Mother
You breed my life...
When your soul becomes weary the coral reef of the family starts to falter
Your love... it must prevail
I Love the woman you are true ...Mother
You breed my life...
And I will always need you
Like the time I was in your womb
With the waters of your body you protected me
Through and through
And when I was borne you built that wall of protective water
To expand as I grew
Covering me and my new wave of a family
You breed my life
And I love you
Your sweet love and protection covers me like the armor of God covers those of us who proudly wear it
You face the unknown then you smile and bear it
You breed my life... and I know
I am blessed, but I am not alone
Everyone who has a chance encounter with you in their life
Feels that same blessing of water and love Mother you set the tone
No while we all got some pieces of you within
We could never flow like the waters of your love
Mother...You breed my life             
And I love you
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