Monday, July 10, 2017


To my grandchildren 💗

If I could share my heart with you it would show you that I want the best for you always the best even if I may not know how to relay that message in a language you can hear or overstand.  My heart would show that I would give you my last and everything in between. If I could share my heart with you, you would see I like to tell the stories of my adventures over and over again because I thought I was the stuff…LOL but you probably already know that.   But more than anything my heart would show you that I do not think my ways are better or the only way. My heart would tell you that even though we have many years between us I still dream, feel good at times, and consider myself very sensual even sexy! (Big smile). My heart wants you to know that I missed many opportunities in my life because I wasn’t listening to the elders that only had my best interest at heart because I could not hear their message because I was concentrating on how, instead what they were actually saying.  They were my protective spirits.  My heart would let you know I love your creative spirits and I applaud the rebel in you.  My heart would help you to overstand how important it is to use your mind, and to think critically in all your endeavors. If I could share my heart with you it would show you how to respect the elders, and ancestors because they are actually you. My heart would tell you that it is urgent that you know yourself always. Finally, if you remember anything my heart would want you to know is that I love you so much now and forever.